7 out of 10 companies allocate more resources to marketing content for customers

Content marketing is emerging as an effective strategy in generating leads. As reflected in the survey of Demand Metric Research Corporation, 70% of companies allocate more resources in this area, in order to capture contacts interested.

The study, conducted among 200 companies B2B reflects their dissatisfaction with the limited effectiveness of traditional techniques in getting customers. Less than 10% of respondents believe that these actions are really effective. On the other hand, 58% of them claims that its acquisition strategy leads not deliver the expected results. Continue reading 7 out of 10 companies allocate more resources to marketing content for customers

How to Clean Windows without Leaving Smears

One of the biggest challenges that arises when cleaning windows is the fact that is incredibly easy to leave smears on the surface of the glass. Learning how to get sparkling clean windows ensures that the lightest as possible shines into your home. Clean windows can immediately lift the overall appearance of a house.

How to Clean Windows without Leaving Smears

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Here are some of the most effective window cleaning tips available:

  1. Remove Blinds and Curtains First

Before you begin to clean the windows, it is advised to remove the built up dust by taking down the blinds and curtains. You may even want to wash your blinds separately since they tend to collect quite a bit of dust over time.

  1. Try a Sponge

Most window smears arise from using too much soap in the solution. Instead of dunking the sponge into too much washing up liquid, dip it in warm soapy water with as little suds as possible. Excess water can be wiped off with a squeegee blade for ultimate efficiency.

  1. Wash on A Cloudy Day

It may sound strange, but washing your windows on a cloudy day is more effective because a sunny day dries the glass really fast. This, in turn, results in large streaks forming on the glass surface.

  1. Twice a Year

According to House to Home, you should really be cleaning all of the windows in your house at least twice a year. Clean windows can have an immediate impact on the room. It allows more light to get in, making the room seem brighter and spacious.

  1. Quality Windows

If you are wondering why some windows let more light in and keep the heat in more than others, it is because of the varying glass qualities. Keane Windows offer a range of different kinds of windows, including double glazing Dublin options that are corrosion resistant and come fitted with a special anti-theft technology. This is referred to as Multi Shootbolt locking mechanism which guarantees no forced entries.

  1. Vinegar Solution

Vinegar has been a tried and tested method to clean a lot of different kinds of stains. One particularly effective use for vinegar is for cleaning windows. Fetch a small bucket of warm water and add two tablespoons of vinegar to provide the glass with extra shine.

  1. Newspapers

An old favourite amongst cleaning enthusiasts is the crumpled newspaper technique. You can use this to buff the glass. The sparkle is provided thanks to the printing ink on the newspaper.

The Hidden Health Risks of Dust Mites in the Workplace

Dust mites are most commonly associated with our bed sheets and pillows. However, these tiny microscopic bugs don’t just like to share our pillows. They also love and breed in other areas such as carpets, car seats and cushions etc. Despite their immense popularity in our homes and even in the workplace, it can actually be quite difficult to detect their presence. This is because they are technically not parasites, and therefore they will not bite or sting us. Instead, they feed on our dead skin cells. It’s enough to make you shudder. But there are certain things you can do to help decrease the presence of these tiny bugs in your This makes spotting them increasingly difficult.

The Hidden Health Risks of Dust Mites in the Workplace

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What is a Dust Mite?

A dust mite is a microscopic insect that lives and breathes off our dead skin cells that we shed on a daily basis. They also eat cells shed from animals such as dogs and cats etc. Dust mites cause allergic symptoms to trigger such as itchy eyes and asthma attacks. They breed faster in warm and humid conditions. This tends to act as a problem all year round since in the spring and summer, high levels of pollen aggravate allergies even more. Whilst in the colder months, people tend to turn the heating up, providing the perfect temperature for dust mites to breed and multiply in their thousands.

Detecting their Presence

Whilst they tend to be most common at home, dust mites can also exist in the workplace, especially if there are carpets. Buildings with unclean air ducts will also experience a higher degree of dust mite infestations that buildings who keep their ducts and vents clean throughout the year. A Kent Duct cleaning company such as: http://www.enviro-group.eu/duct-cleaning-kent/, provides exceptional duct and vent cleaning services to all commercial properties.

Knowing whether or not you have a dust mite infestation in your workplace is quite simple. Take a look around and see if any of your employees are experiencing any of the following symptoms:

  • Runny nose
  • Irritated eyes
  • Sneezing
  • Itchy or watery eyes
  • Nasal congestion
  • Eczema
  • Asthma
  • Breathing difficulties
  • Itchy nose or throat
  • Coughing
  • Swollen skin under the eyes

According to Environment, Health and Safety Online, you will shed enough skin cells a day to feed a million dust mites. With statistics like that, it seems impossible to do anything about the dust mite infestation problem. But as long as you try your best to control the amount of dust and dirt in the office, whether it be through sufficient duct cleaning or regular carpet cleaning, you will be able to dramatically decrease the presence of dust mites.

Five arguments to show that email is still a powerful marketing tool

Despite being one of the most ancient and trite techniques that exist, email marketing is not only not dead, but despite the passing time, is still a powerful tool able to report great results and high effectiveness.

Despite the proliferation of other channels, disciplines and marketing strategies, the moment of truth, the email continues to hold a privileged place to bring brand messages to customers and consumers. And no shortage of arguments for it…

The e-mail marketing records conversion rates higher than the average of other digital strategies

According to the latest study picks Adestra, on average, companies attribute 23% of its sales to e-mail marketing, 5% more than the previous year (18%).Also, 24% of the companies referred to 30% of its sales to e-mail marketing, 12% more than two years (18%) does. Continue reading Five arguments to show that email is still a powerful marketing tool

Why leaders with more confidence use humor?

Speaking of leadership styles is mandatory when analyzed how to guide a team. We could say that every leader has his, but of course, you can find categories. The leader has the fundamental task to identify and mark the path to the goal, and get the whole team travels on the same performing the necessary tasks with high performance.

Obsessed with the goal can be harmful, because it will always be set incorrectly; it may be unattainable or too conservative. Goal setting no longer a tool for high performance, and should not become an end in itself. Today we will talk about another tool when exercising leadership: humor. Continue reading Why leaders with more confidence use humor?

Goal Seeking a low cost marketing

The marketing success depends not only on the amount of investment we make, it is something we will not discuss and the proof is the large amounts of resources invested in advertising campaigns, promotions, products, distribution channels that were real failures. So this opens the door to think that we can achieve our business goals without large budgets, with low cost marketing.

We’ll discuss low cost marketing as marketing that where economic resources are low and are not a priority (not important) to achieve the intended objectives. The maximum application of low cost marketing budget is 0 and achievement of results (not get these give way to another type of marketing, bad sizing). Continue reading Goal Seeking a low cost marketing

mCommerce, reality or future?

Studies show that consumption habits and ways of buying of consumers are changing. In recent years, has increased the time spent to be connected to the Internet and the use made of the different devices through which they are connected is totally different because the use of mobile devices is growing and occurs in virtually all user activities (work, sleep, eat, etc).

The media sector pay also has had to change to accommodate this demand. Studies show we headed to a scenario where most purchases are made through e-commerce, according to the study by the National Observatory of Telecommunications, it is expected that in 2015 33% of Spaniards make their purchases on-line. Continue reading mCommerce, reality or future?

Finding the Right Timeshare for Your Needs

There are many different factors to consider when choosing a timeshare. These might include how frequently you go on holiday and where and when, as well as whether you have any additional needs and requirements. Before making your decision you should also think about whether your holiday habits may change in the future.

Before purchasing a timeshare, carry out some research about timeshares and the area you are considering investing in. The Timeshare Association (TATOC) can offer help and advice.

Finding the Right Timeshare for Your Needs

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Retired Couples or Those with No Children

Retired couples or those with no children typically have the luxury of greater flexibility. They are rarely tied to buying a week outside of school term time and as such can often take advantage of some cheaper deals. Buying timeshare holiday weeks outside of peak times can enable people to make considerable savings. Timeshare owners can also benefit from bonus weeks, late breaks and extra holidays — all fantastic value and which would otherwise cost considerably more. 

Young Couples and Single Travellers

There are plenty of options available for young couples. Research carried out by Bournemouth University and commissioned by the Resort Development Association suggested ways to make timeshares more attractive to Generation X.

Young couples or single travellers may have the advantage of flexibility and be able to go away during off-peak periods. Not only does this give them more choice, but it can work out a lot cheaper. However, they should consider how their holiday needs might change in the near future. Timeshares are typically taken on for a number of years, so before taking the plunge they may like to think about the timing of the timeshare week as well as the location. It is sensible to choose a timeshare that will continue to be suitable as the family unit grows. Of course, it is possible to swap weeks and locations using various swap schemes. Alternatively, timeshare points can work very well as a low-cost entry to the scheme and can be increased as and when necessary.

If timeshare owners find that their needs change and their timeshare is no longer convenient, they may think about selling their investment.


For those with children in school, it is important to own a week outside of school term time. Timesharing can be really good value when compared to other types of holidays. Owners may be required to pay an additional initial premium to own a peak week, but annual costs are usually the same as for those owning off season weeks. After the first year, the timeshare holiday will prove even better value. In addition, selling or exchanging the timeshare will be easy given that peak weeks are highly desirable.

Owning a floating week may not work quite so well unless they definitely cover peak times (Gold Holiday or Platinum floating weeks) and owners are prepared to book well in advance to ensure the availability of a week in the school holidays.

Timeshare points can also work well, especially for those who are looking for more choice and flexibility or have older children.

You may even decide that you’d rather find a convenient spot either here or abroad and invest your money into building your own property to rent out or holiday in.  Be sure to contact local land registry’s and a surveyor and relevant architect before committing.  Then once you have an agreed place, find the right equipment, Timber frame construction company qtfhomes have easy to assemble wooden frames to help with your dream build investment.

Consult consumers up to 12 different sources before saying to buy

The journey that travels consumers during the purchase process is increasingly complex. The number of sources, as well as devices and places involved has increased significantly in recent years.

As recorded by the study of Google and Inmar, in 2010, users up to 5 different sources consulted before buying. In just three years, that number has increased to 12.

In this search process, mobile devices have achieved unprecedented prominence, increasing 40% year after year. Last year, 52% of shoppers used their mobile device to their Christmas shopping; 40% of purchases registered Black Friday was recorded in these smart terminals. Continue reading Consult consumers up to 12 different sources before saying to buy

Word of mouth becomes the best influence on the purchase decision female audience

The current market trends have led to brands and companies to seek new avenues of communication with their customers. Trnd, he has conducted a study with a sample of 2,680 women to meet the communication channels most used when choosing particular brand or product.

The study results support the importance of the recommendations in the habit of buying, word of mouth among customers and potential consumers, through their views influence the purchase of the people around them. Over 98% of respondents claim that in the past year have recommended a product, service or company someone around them; 92.3% of women have chosen a company or brand to have heard or read a good experience of another person, and 85.8% of them have shared information about a brand on the Internet, blogs or social networks. Continue reading Word of mouth becomes the best influence on the purchase decision female audience