Category Archives: Digital Marketing

The companies and brands are hooked to the more visual side of content marketing

Companies have grasped the potential of the images on social networking sites and it seems that your audience is thanking him. Only Instagram, one of the social networks most popular current photo, the engagement has grown 350% in the last year, according to Simply Measured.

Instagram active brands have grown over the previous year by 55% and it seems successful. More frequent publication and type of content they share has caused the engagement has grown 350%. No doubt good news and a vote of confidence for marketers often overlook new social networks uncertainly, not knowing whether your messages will be seen as spam sites where business opportunities are yet to be explored. Continue reading The companies and brands are hooked to the more visual side of content marketing

Digital Marketing is just an extension of traditional marketing

Many see it as something very complicated to understand and oblivious to their business, but, however, it is “easier” than you think and also affects all businesses. For me, the Online Marketing is nothing more than a digital extension of traditional marketing. It is true that the Online Marketing has its own evolution and that is an area that like most traditional markets, but both are complementary, not substitutes (why I bet on “The Blended Marketing”). Want to see some examples of what I mean? Continue reading Digital Marketing is just an extension of traditional marketing

Is Google telling companies that it is better not to invest in SEO?

Google is no longer what it was, the great friend of SEOs has decided to show its true face. Providing valuable information about the navigation of a site, totally unselfish, it has given way to a big “not provided”, accompanied by another friend also unhelpful “not set”.

The day, on the grounds of concern for the privacy of users, Google stopped showing much of the data on keywords that attracted visits the page, the web analysts pulled their hair, SEOs lost the direction so far had led them in their strategy and, to make matters worse, they were unable to show those flaming reports on the progress of their actions … everything is black and become much more complicated for the future of SEO. Continue reading Is Google telling companies that it is better not to invest in SEO?

Emotional Intelligence Community Managers

Many are the changes that social media have led since its inception, but certainly head and always to close 2011 facebook again and vanguard leadership position, both for brands and for professions derived from web 2.0

The Community Manager faces a 2012 in which culminate the process of humanization of brands

Paradigms associated with marketing and advertising have been drastically modified. Today is not enough to have a good product, an impeccable reputation and skills to maintain dialogue exchanges (and positive marks) in social profiles. The Community Manager in 2012 must also possess emotional intelligence.

We can not forget that the specific weight of social relations rests on the quality of content and the manner in which they capture the attention of their target groups. That is why we can say that the Community Manager is an indispensable element in the re-definition of the strategy facing brands in 2012. Continue reading Emotional Intelligence Community Managers

The e-mail marketing remains one of the most effective marketing techniques

Customers demand personalized information geared to their interests. A factor where e-mail continues to occupy a special place in the minds of consumers, and is an important source of influence when making a purchase decision, according xplusone study shows.

According to the survey, conducted among a small sample of American consumers, 25% of them takes into account the information received by mail when it comes to deciding to buy. Meanwhile, 16% said that the fact of obtaining a personalized shopping experience is a very positive aspect. Continue reading The e-mail marketing remains one of the most effective marketing techniques

Super Bowl and social networks: The phenomenon of “real-time” marketing

As every year, on Sunday the United States experienced one of its most multitudinous events. The 48th Super Bowl, held in New Jersey, attracted the attention of millions of Americans who massively took to the screens to follow the pulse of the party that played the Seattle Seahawks and Denver Broncos.

In parallel to the vicissitudes of the meeting, another equally massive phenomenon repeated itself : the brands looking to seduce the huge audience that brings the event (just over 108 million viewers in its 2013 edition). For years, the Super Bowl has become a decisive stage for large US companies: it is time to premiere trade under the watchful eyes of millions of people who can define the fate of their marks for the next 365 days. The interest aroused ads is such that according to a recent study by Lab42, 39% of viewers are more interested in publicity than the game itself (percentage climbs to 42% for women). Continue reading Super Bowl and social networks: The phenomenon of “real-time” marketing

7 out of 10 companies allocate more resources to marketing content for customers

Content marketing is emerging as an effective strategy in generating leads. As reflected in the survey of Demand Metric Research Corporation, 70% of companies allocate more resources in this area, in order to capture contacts interested.

The study, conducted among 200 companies B2B reflects their dissatisfaction with the limited effectiveness of traditional techniques in getting customers. Less than 10% of respondents believe that these actions are really effective. On the other hand, 58% of them claims that its acquisition strategy leads not deliver the expected results. Continue reading 7 out of 10 companies allocate more resources to marketing content for customers

Five arguments to show that email is still a powerful marketing tool

Despite being one of the most ancient and trite techniques that exist, email marketing is not only not dead, but despite the passing time, is still a powerful tool able to report great results and high effectiveness.

Despite the proliferation of other channels, disciplines and marketing strategies, the moment of truth, the email continues to hold a privileged place to bring brand messages to customers and consumers. And no shortage of arguments for it…

The e-mail marketing records conversion rates higher than the average of other digital strategies

According to the latest study picks Adestra, on average, companies attribute 23% of its sales to e-mail marketing, 5% more than the previous year (18%).Also, 24% of the companies referred to 30% of its sales to e-mail marketing, 12% more than two years (18%) does. Continue reading Five arguments to show that email is still a powerful marketing tool

The keys to successfully automate your online marketing strategy

Automation online marketing strategies is one of the fields you have, no doubt, more travel in the coming years. Until recently, marketers could automate certain repetitive tasks such as sending emails, for example, and even some CRM helped make these processes effectively, but to automate the whole strategy was a pipe dream.

Right now, we are fortunate that they have come on the market, some for some time now, the tools called “all in one” or all in one. What are they? They are tools that allow you to work all the techniques of inbound marketing strategy in one place and with the same scorecard. Continue reading The keys to successfully automate your online marketing strategy

SEO every day is easier, you know why?

SEO for many years has been considered the “dark side” of digital marketing. It seemed that it had much knowledge of computers and programming had in front of you one, only suitable for “geeks” insurmountable barrier passionate about all techniques and for having to “trick” Google.

“The SEO every day is easier. It is becoming less computing and semantic, communicative and human”

To enter situation I recommend you read some things preliminaries SEO. Continue reading SEO every day is easier, you know why?