Fatal Errors in marketing strategy that can kill a startup

In the world of entrepreneurs, getting to reach consumers is a crucial element. Seduce the market, making everyone talk about the product or company and push them all to become faithful consumers are key to turning what is a dream into a real business opportunity and successful elements. Therefore, many books, articles and spend time entrepreneurs understand how can a small business venture appear in the media, how to get positive coverage and how to make the mainstream media speak of one.

In addition, those responsible for viral startups dream of becoming, be the focus of what is important in the network and using four marketing gimmicks mutate into the great stars of the moment. To advertise themselves is crucial for highlighting and therefore decide startups money and effort into marketing. But the truth is that it is not gold that glitters and companies also have to keep in mind that all these efforts have a flip side that can have an impact that is not expected.

Can marketing efforts have a negative scope at work startups are doing to make themselves known? It can happen. In fact, a lot of effort in marketing can put a small company in jeopardy if ignores the power of what you are doing may develop. Nobody would think of riding a thoroughbred horse if in fact all he knows is cycling. Nobody would occur should do a marketing campaign with multinational scope if it’s a startup. Continue reading Fatal Errors in marketing strategy that can kill a startup

Nutrition Tips for Cancer Patients

Common symptoms of cancer therapy include fatigue, bloating, nausea, constipation and the severe loss of appetite. People may experience these issues if they are currently undergoing cancer therapy. However, it is possible to suffer from such symptoms even after therapy and during the recovery process. Knowing how to deal with such problems has a lot to do with re-building your immune system.

Nutrition Tips for Cancer Patients

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Eat Less Dairy – For now!

An unusual side effect to cancer treatments is the temporary presence of lactose intolerance which can be a problem for the dairy lovers out there. These gastrointestinal symptoms associated with lactose intolerant can be steadied and reduced by consuming less dairy products such as milk and cheese.

Try Some Ginger

According to Health Monitor, ginger is one of the best things you can take to reduce the effects of nausea caused by chemotherapy. Now, that doesn’t mean you have to waffle a large amount all at once. Simply take a ginger supplement or add a small amount to your cup of tea.

Drink Plenty of Water

No matter if you are a cancer patient or not, dehydration is going to cause symptoms such as fatigue, nausea and even vomiting. You need to make sure that you have taken enough water to keep your energy levels high and your body hydrated.

Meats and Fish

If your white blood cell count is particularly low, remember to eat plenty of meat and fish for protein and iron. According to the American Cancer Society, it is incredibly important, as always, to ensure that all meats, fish and poultry are properly cooked. They even advise that you check the temperature of your food with a food thermometer.

Berries and Fruit

Certain types of fruit such as melons, pears and mangos, contain quite a large amount of fructose. This can cause some minor discomfort, so it is advised to keep these to a minimum and choose fruits with less fructose in them. The types of fruits include plums, berries, bananas and peaches.


Surprisingly, nuts are full of different nutrients. They are easy to snack on and can immediately take the place of your favourite salty treats such as crisps. Mix a bowl of your favourite nuts with a few berries for more flavour. Nuts contain vitamins and calcium, amongst many others.

If you are a cancer patient, it is extremely important to do anything you can to rebuild your immune system. Seek professional advice from your doctor or dietician to ensure you are eating the right foods. You may want to also ask your doctor about any clinical cancer trails taking place in your area. These are often testing new revolutionary cancer treatments that may help to replenish your immune system.

Clinical Research Associates are determined to find a cure for cancer, many of these professionals are supplied by companies such as gandlscientific.com, who ensures that each member of staff provided is skilled, experienced and determined to help cancer patients like you.

How to Legally Market your New Medical Device in the US

If you have come up with a great idea for a new medical device, or perhaps you already have the device ready to go, you’re going to need to know how to market it legally in the US. This involves making sure that your device is both safe and effective for human use. The Food and Drug Administration, otherwise known as the FDA, are responsible for ensuring that approved devices such as medical tools, instruments, drugs etc. are all 100% safe and effective for human or animal use. This involves preparing and submitting a 510(k) clearance. Continue reading How to Legally Market your New Medical Device in the US

Empathize with the customer to innovate

One of the fundamentals of design thinking is to be able to abstract the product or service you want to focus innovary to explore the needs, expectations or feelings that it should be able to cover or generate customers.

In the methodology to projects using design thinking, this is what comprises the first phase called Empathize, which aims to understand the context and understand the needs and motivations of the user or customer. Continue reading Empathize with the customer to innovate

The Enduring Appeal of London’s Green Squares

Homes with access to a private garden generally command prices with a significant premium, as figures have indicated that buyers are prepared to pay top rates for a property with access to some beautifully maintained greenery. Research demonstrates that for exclusive addresses in Central London, purchasers would consider paying up to a third more for a residence with a key to a private square.

The Enduring Appeal of Londons Green Squares

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An Oasis for the Right Price

Not everyone can afford real estate in some of the most costly parts of London. Those determined to have a home that comes with a private garden could consider living outside the centre where the square could be just as ravishing, without the exorbitant price tag.

For inspiration on how tranquil a green space in London can be, a report from The Telegraph on the capital’s loveliest secret gardens will give the reader wisteria and pergola envy.

Areas with charming garden squares that purchasers may have not have considered include Hackney, Kennington and Camberwell. For example, a three-bedroom house on Fassett Square in Dalston, E8 – the inspiration for Albert Square in EastEnders – will set you back around a million pounds.

Every part of London has garden gems. A report in the Wimbledon Guardian highlights how many wonderful gardens there are in south London.

Conducting the Search

Rather than exhaust yourself tramping all over the city, it could be worth engaging the services of property buying agents in London who stay abreast of homes entering the market that fit your specifications.

Every year the Open Garden Squares Weekend allows people to buy tickets and wander private gardens. There were more than 200 gardens to explore in the 2016 event, held in late June. That’s a lot of gardens to keep track of for those determined to have garden square access, so it could definitely save a lot of time to call in the professionals, such as http://boweryldn.com/why-use-bowery among numerous others.

For many reasons, access to a private garden is something everyone in the family can enjoy. For some, access to nature is more than a mild desire, it is a physical need. With patience, it should be possible to find a property that offers the bricks, mortar and plants needed for a happy life.

The planned crisis are fewer crises

We are ending the year 2015 and as every year-end, it is time to make reflections. If we look back, we find that in recent years has been taking a turnaround in our oriented to anticipate possible negative consequences of the same customs, we have lifestyle habits that tend to be healthier, try to eat better, exercise , have appropriate levels of light to take care of our eyes, ergonomic chairs to care for the position when we sit, we try to make periodic breaks to maintain our performance at the highest levels … we are fully aware that both personally and in the professional, prevention is much cheaper than cure. No doubt. Changing certain habits, which are not always easy, we can avoid trouble that often can be fatal. And we are willing to make this sacrifice involved us both time and money.

What surprises me greatly is that what we have so clear and we want for ourselves and our employees do not want for our company. In our company we do not prevent what might happen … we are not interested allocate a budget to invest in managing a possible crisis, which can have such devastating effects as the worst of diseases or industrial accidents, may make it stagger the foundations of it, that company that both cost us move forward and put into operation. Still a ridiculous number of companies have a crisis manual. Continue reading The planned crisis are fewer crises

Working the usability of your website to get more customers

The web usability unfortunately in many projects is the great forgotten. The main reason is that we have settled some concepts that I consider very important about this topic:

– Designers and programmers are not experts in web usability. Sometimes they assumed these skills when they do not have to. They designed and programmed so that, albeit on a smaller scale, when you think of mounting a web do it in the following terms: Designer + + programmer responsible for usability.

– If you think cold, in an online project, website usability is the most scalable results matter. Virtually the same resources you may be billed more because the web better converts visits into sales. Continue reading Working the usability of your website to get more customers

5 Steps for Overcoming Procrastination

Procrastination occurs when you put certain tasks off until the last minute. Usually, this is a task that you really, really don’t want to deal with and so you decide to focus on something entirely different.

5 Steps for Overcoming Procrastination

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Everyone procrastinates in some way or another. For example, you could have an essay due in a week’s time and conveniently put it off until the night before the due date. This sudden realisation of your impending doom is usually followed up by a hectic “all-nighter”, in which you type faster than anyone has ever typed in the history of the planet.

Why do People Procrastinate?

According to a recent study carried out by psychologist Professor Clarry Law, procrastination comes to life whenever there is a “temporal gap between intended behaviour and enacted behaviour”. In basic terms, this temporal gap refers to that period of time when you first intend to get a job done, and the time when you finally get around to completing it (usually in a self-induced panic).

Take these 5 steps to help yourself overcome procrastination:

  1. Practice Time Management

Procrastinators often aren’t very good at managing their time effectively. A great way to overcome this is to practice well-kept time management. This is achieved by planning ahead a little and creating estimated time slots for assigned tasks. Once you see how you can better use your time, you’ll have a better control over how you use this time productively.

  1. Work in Productive Environments

If you work in a distracting environment, chances are, you won’t get much work done. According to Entrepreneur, procrastinators should try their best to work in places without distractions such as TV’s and to choose where and who they work with wisely. This will help you to focus on the immediate task at hand.

  1. Focus on One Task at a Time

It is important to focus on one task at a time. Don’t give yourself unrealistic goals because you will only feel bad about yourself after when you realise you can’t complete all of the things that you wanted to. For this reason, it is better to focus on one specific goal or task at a time, which will be much easier to manage.

  1. Seek Guidance from a Professional

Many procrastinators feel that their bad habits are getting in the way of their success. Many young people claim that procrastinating has delayed them from finding the right job, or finishing an important project etc. www.lynnrecruitment.co.uk is a Recruitment Agent Belfast that are able to advise job seekers and those inclined to procrastinate on finding the right job for you.

  1. Award Yourself Afterwards

Have you ever wondered why a dog will suddenly become the most obedient version of itself when there is a treat involved? It listens because it knows it will only receive the award AFTER it has completed the command. In the same way, you can give yourself little awards after finishing a task you really didn’t want to. Finally wrote that daunting essay? Award yourself!

Ridding your central heating system of those annoying airlocks

You’re sure that your radiator isn’t producing the heat it previously did. You feel its surface and find that it is hot at the bottom but lukewarm at the top.

Ridding your central heating system of those annoying airlocks

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The problem? You’ve almost certainly got an airlock. The air has risen to the top of the radiator, preventing the hot water from getting up there.

Diagnosing the airlock problem

One of the most common causes of an airlock is that you’ve had your system drained. You might think this would do nothing but good. After all, it’s sometimes recommended for keeping your system running efficiently. However, if the system is refilled in the wrong order and the top floor radiators aren’t shut off when the downstairs radiators are being filled, air can enter, resulting in no heat.

You may need to call a professional plumber. For boiler installation in Woking, try a reputable local firm such as www.rjplumbingandheating.co.uk.

What to check

First, you should check that the central heating pump is working properly. If it seems to be okay, turning up the pressure may help the airlock to move.

Next, you’ll want to test the radiators. While you are doing this, you need to make sure that at least one radiator is on. Turn the boiler on and check each radiator in turn to make sure that it heats up properly at the top and bottom. If you’re satisfied, leave the one you have just checked on and move on to the radiator that is next in sequence. Once the next radiator is turned on, the previous one can be turned off.

If you find that one radiator is guilty of making the whole system lose warmth, turn that one off. This will allow the other radiators in the system to get extra water pressure.

If each radiator is working fine when you test it on its own but you lose heat when they’re all on at the same time, the problem might be related to balancing. Unfortunately, this tends to be the result of poor installation of the heating system.

One of the remedies that is worth trying is to close the radiator valves to only half of their capacity. This may work until you can get a competent central heating engineer to take a look at the installation.