Tag Archives: customers

What are customers of marketing and advertising agencies expect?

Marketing agencies and advertising must be an integral part of the business, as customers consider. A well-oiled Swiss Army knife, although their functions sometimes can escape directly related to marketing and advertising.

As recorded by the study published by Domus and Harris Interactive, customers expect their agency is able to solve problems ranging from understanding your business goals (98%) and be perfectly aligned with them (90%) to provide solutions that they go beyond advertising and marketing themselves (60%), and even plantearles recommendations and ideas about new products or lines of business to increase profits (55%). Continue reading What are customers of marketing and advertising agencies expect?

Customers demand a multichannel experience but businesses do not measure up

One of the main demands by users enjoy an experience is integrated across all channels. A desire that is not ready to be fulfilled, at least in the short term, as recorded for that purpose eMarketer report.

The positive note is that users themselves are aware of the need to ensure an integrated shopping experience. The survey conducted in June by Retail Systems Research between retailers around the world indicated that 84% of them considered very important progress in this area, in every way. Continue reading Customers demand a multichannel experience but businesses do not measure up

SMEs are willing to pay more attention to its customers and small details

The customer must be the center around which turn the company. It is important to consider your needs and interests when designing a sales strategy, creating a new product, planning the marketing campaign and, of course, enable the channels to allow access to it and promote direct communication and fluid.

Small businesses have the advantage of their smaller size, allowing them a better response agility, adapting to changes and greater flexibility to adapt to their needs, and offering personalized service. Benefits must be used as differential values; some attributes that can be applied to improve the shopping experience: Continue reading SMEs are willing to pay more attention to its customers and small details

7 out of 10 companies allocate more resources to marketing content for customers

Content marketing is emerging as an effective strategy in generating leads. As reflected in the survey of Demand Metric Research Corporation, 70% of companies allocate more resources in this area, in order to capture contacts interested.

The study, conducted among 200 companies B2B reflects their dissatisfaction with the limited effectiveness of traditional techniques in getting customers. Less than 10% of respondents believe that these actions are really effective. On the other hand, 58% of them claims that its acquisition strategy leads not deliver the expected results. Continue reading 7 out of 10 companies allocate more resources to marketing content for customers

Working the usability of your website to get more customers

The web usability unfortunately in many projects is the great forgotten. The main reason is that we have settled some concepts that I consider very important about this topic:

– Designers and programmers are not experts in web usability. Sometimes they assumed these skills when they do not have to. They designed and programmed so that, albeit on a smaller scale, when you think of mounting a web do it in the following terms: Designer + + programmer responsible for usability.

– If you think cold, in an online project, website usability is the most scalable results matter. Virtually the same resources you may be billed more because the web better converts visits into sales. Continue reading Working the usability of your website to get more customers