All posts by kThwlsU

Brands go from their customer’s complaints in Social Media

A shocking fact, the brands lose 88% of the feedback generated by their local customers. This implies that practically all the opportunities to generate engagement with their clients fall into the void. This is reflected in the latest study published by Venuelabs in collaboration with the Location Based Marketing Association (LBMA) on the importance of having a social communication strategy at the local level: Continue reading Brands go from their customer’s complaints in Social Media

Social networks are one of the best ways to meet and satisfy the customer

Social networks allow you to make an X-ray of your clients, better than any other marketing tool, market analysis or in-depth interview that stands out. For a simple reason, here they speak freely, without coercion, without anyone bothering them or making them talk about something they really do not want.

On the other hand, social networks allow this information to be known, in the form of data and opinions, with a single condition, the company has to sharpen the senses and know how to extract it to be able to:

Identify the problems of your customers. Is there anything better than to feel heard? It makes you feel valued, that your opinion matters and is taken into account. Continue reading Social networks are one of the best ways to meet and satisfy the customer

A new tool will help identify the right patients for mesothelioma trials

Medical professionals have welcomed a new way of identifying the most appropriate patients to take part in clinical trials relating to mesothelioma.

A new tool will help identify the right patients for mesothelioma trials

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It is hoped the new tool, which was developed following research by The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust, will help maximise benefits to patients whilst enabling better results from clinical trials.

It will go some way toward addressing the problem of recruiting enough patients to such clinical trials.

A new tool will help identify the right patients for mesothelioma trials2

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What is mesothelioma?

Mesothelioma is a form of cancer that affects the lining of the body’s organs, most commonly the lungs and heart.

According to the NHS, it is almost always caused by exposure to asbestos. Most cases are diagnosed in people aged 60 to 80, and men are more likely to develop the disease than women.

There is currently no cure for the disease, but it can be treated with chemotherapy, radiotherapy and surgery. The outlook for people with mesothelioma is not good, but various clinical trials are looking at different ways to prolong life and improve the quality of life of those affected by the illness.

How does the new tool work?

The new tool looks at three factors in each patient – the number of sites the disease is affecting, the level of the blood protein albumin in the blood, and the ratio of lymphocyte to neutrophil – to reach a prognostic score.

These factors have been used individually as a way of determining potential outlooks for patients, but they have not been combined into one score before now. This number can be used to predict which of the patients is likely to survive long enough to take part in the three-month clinical trials.

Being able to identify these patients will help those conducting the clinical trials to reach more accurate conclusions.

The importance of clinical trials

The use of paid medical trials such as those available at is an important step in identifying safe and more effective treatments for a wide range of diseases, including mesothelioma.

Through their use, it is hoped the experts will eventually find cures or better treatments for all of the different types of cancer.

Even though those who take part in such trials may not directly benefit from the results, they are undoubtedly helping future generations.

How to Keep Your Grease Trap Clean

A restaurant owner is responsible for a lot of different things. They are responsible for ordering the right amount of food and making sure that the food is prepared and cooked properly, and they also need to make sure that the premises are always hygienic and clean.

How to Keep Your Grease Trap Clean

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Some of the responsibilities are very specific, such as cleaning the restaurant grease trap. The grease trap must be cleaned on a regular basis; if it isn’t, the restaurant may face unnecessary interruptions, and it is also more likely that the restaurant will become unsafe for customers and employees.

Here’s everything you need to know about cleaning your restaurant grease trap.

Why You Need to Clean Grease Traps

According to Small Business, the kitchen is one of the most important areas in the restaurant to keep clean, as it is exposed to a wide range of contaminants. A grease trap can quickly start to harbour contaminants, so you should make sure that it is always clean and not clogged up.

Cleaning Your Grease Trap

Some restaurants produce a large amount of grease in a short amount of time, and if the grease isn’t removed it could potentially end up closing your restaurant due to hygiene standards.

How to Keep Your Grease Trap Clean2

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If your restaurant deals with large amounts of grease, oils and fats, it is important to make sure that you clean your grease trap at least once a week to avoid a build-up of grease. You can check on the grease levels every day by simply inspecting the grease trap for build-up.

If you want to buy new grease traps for commercial kitchens, check out websites such as

Of course, not every restaurant deals with a large amount of grease. If your restaurant only produces a low amount of grease, you can check the trap every week for build-up instead. You should also arrange a monthly cleaning system to make sure that the grease trap is cleaned. If you think you may forget to clean the grease trap, try creating a restaurant cleaning rota.

You can clean the grease traps yourself by unclogging the drain with heavy-duty cleaning products. You may also need to physically remove large chunks of grease and fat, as they could damage the drains. However, it is recommended that you hire a cleaning team if the drains are badly clogged.

Has the Community Manager figure left expectations?

The Community has been in recent times the fashion profession; When it came to redirecting their career and finding a way out, many chose to start training in the area of social media management. However, lately we heard little or nothing about this figure, which makes us think, was it really a profession of the future? Why has it stopped generating expectation?

The importance of the Community Manager as “person in charge / responsible for sustaining, enhancing and, in a certain way, defending the company’s relations with its customers in the digital field, thanks to the knowledge of the organization’s strategic needs and The interests of customers … and that according to the Association of professionals of community management and social media (Aerco) is still as much or more necessary than ever. Continue reading Has the Community Manager figure left expectations?

10 Keys that brands should consider to establish good links in social networks

Taking advantage of the power of networks such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Google, LinkedIn and Pinterest, among others, we are witnessing how brands approach web 2.0. Current and potential customers.

The move from “fan” to “liker” probably has been an excellent idea of Facebook so that the fact of being “ fan ” of a brand did not sound so exaggerated. It seems that it is easier to click on “Like”, as is the “Follow” of Twitter. That’s how we see it – or relatively easily through the execution of actions recruiting of likers (followers) – brands are able to get more and more followers. Good for them.

Even in this scenario and with “likers” who are very enthusiastic about responding to a slogan such as “how is the weather in your city?”, I allow myself to throw a skepticism about the phenomenon and ask: Do they know the marks How to tap into the potential value of your social media actions ?

Responding to the above, and before issuing any judgment, I then share ten keys that brands should consider when establishing their links in social networks. Continue reading 10 Keys that brands should consider to establish good links in social networks

Top Five Car Tracking Devices

It’s a nightmare no car owner ever wants to face, leaving your home to jump in your car only to discover it has been stolen. Cars are expensive items and the loss of one to thieves can be a devastating experience.

Top Five Car Tracking Devices

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Now, though, there is a tool that car owners can use to fight back against the thieves, and that is the trusty GPS car tracker. Simply by looking at their phone, a car owner can locate the position of their vehicle anywhere in the world and increase the chances of their car being found and returned.

How Do They Work?

Vehicle tracking devices use a Global Positioning System transmitter to pinpoint the location of your car. The tracker receives information from a satellite and then calculates the distance between the vehicle and satellite to determine its position on the earth.

Easily Installed

GPS tracking devices can be easily installed in vehicles without anyone knowing they are there. Companies like can offer a vehicle tracking service.

Top Five Tracking Devices

Top Five Car Tracking Devices2

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1. Spark Nano

The Spark Nano vehicle tracker is one of the most popular devices on the market as it is easy to install and has a simple web based interface. This affordable tracker allows the owner to set pre-determined areas, with a text message sent to the owner should their vehicle travel outside the area.

2. Zoombak Advanced A-GPS

This tracker can be attached to your car battery and can also run on its own power. Buyers seem to love its convenient features, like SMS and email alerts if the car strays where it shouldn’t.

3. Escort Entourage PS

This model allows live monitoring of your vehicle. Owners can track their car’s whereabouts by paying a monthly subscription, while the devices also have advanced features like geofencing.

4. Garmin GTU 10

The Garmin GTU 10 is one of the more affordable trackers in this list. It comes with a one-year subscription and will keep a history of your car’s whereabouts for seven days

5. LoJack

Owners of this device will need deep pockets, as you’ll need your original dealer to install the device in your vehicle. The LoJack is unique in that it uses radio frequencies to inform the police directly of a stolen vehicle. This device is perfect if you own a collectable or expensive car.

The dilemma of video as the center of content marketing strategy

The video seems to have become one of the most used resources by brands and companies. YouTube figures speak for themselves. 800 million unique visitors per month. However, not all videos are the same, nor do all of their contents arouse the attention of users. If we want to make our videos the best asset of our marketing strategy, there are some aspects that maybe companies should know. Continue reading The dilemma of video as the center of content marketing strategy

A quarter of advertisers consider the display mobile advertising of the future

At a time when 80% of peoples are connected to the Internet from their smartphone, turning the phone into a mass media and, therefore, a way to capture audience, about a quarter of advertisers consider The display the mobile advertising format of the future. Its versatility and ability to interact make it the most effective to reach the target audience, according to the report ‘Advertising trends in the mobile environment’. Continue reading A quarter of advertisers consider the display mobile advertising of the future