Personal SEO: How do you want to be found on the internet?

The “personal SEO” is one of the techniques you can use in your strategy personal brand. The question is, do you prefer, chasing people looking for visibility (forced by the way) or be found at the right time and by the type of user that you want to direct?

To enter SEO personnel issues, you must first have solved some important points about your personal brand:

  • What is your job? What is your specialty? What value you contribute?
  • Who do you want to add value?
  • What is your style? How you become recognizable?

Personal SEO How do you want to be found on the internetPersonal SEO: The keys to be found on the internet

To take a step forward in your personal brand betting on the SEO of your own brand I recommend the following:

  • Keywords Personal: This is the preliminary step. Without this step you’re going to give “flying blind.” Make a list of the most relevant keywords for you and then make a selection. These words will be your roadmap in order to complete the following tips that’ll give.
  • Complete and optimize your Linkedin profile: LinkedIn profile is pure SEO. If you look always positioned very well when you want a name on Google. Enter keywords under your name in the BIO and your work. Yes, that makes sense and not on optimizing too.
  • Make a video presentation of yours: A video well done and thought a lot reinforces your personal brand. In YouTube for example you can enter a description and tags in relation to the same keywords.
  • Post a power-point with your value proposition in slideshare: This is another platform that positions really well. Take advantage of it to publish your services and further strengthen your keywords. Besides being a good source of traffic for your site / blog.
  • Your profile twitter: twitter can do two specific things. One is to use “hashtags” with the keywords with which you want to be found. And the second is to optimize the definition or BIO on the cover of your account. All this also goes for your personal SEO strategy.
  • Blogging: This is your day – to – day battle. Each post is an opportunity to optimize content and once again remember your most important keywords. To optimize I recommend:

– Retouch the URL to be friendly (no strange symbols).

– The title must be in tune with the keywords chosen.

– Reinforces the text with more keywords.

– Use bold on the important parts.

All this we have to unite with much consistency. All media should express the same message and enhance your skills, values and way of being. Do not try to show something you’re not, will not be sustainable over time.

Tell me a little about yourself, how would you like to be found on the internet? You practice SEO staff?

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