Who Is Responsible for My Electricity Meter Box?

There are many questions regarding who is responsible for the electricity meter box that keeps track of your electricity consumption and charges you your electricity bills. The answer to this question is that this unit is not owned by the electric company but is the responsibility of the owner of the property. It is very important that the owner of this unit knows how to look after and operate it properly. Your energy supplier does not charge you for the power meter box and the meter itself; it charges you for the energy you use as measured through the meter. Should you require a new Electric Meter box, visit a site like Meterbox

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The next question regarding who is responsible for my electricity meter box is regarding maintenance. You must maintain the box as it covers important equipment and is the owner’s responsibility. It is very important to have someone look over the meter and see how well it is working. If there are any mistakes made, then these will be corrected before you can apply for an extension of the billing period.

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The last question regarding who is responsible for my electricity meter box is regarding safety. There are a number of devices on the meter box, which you are responsible for maintaining in order to ensure that they are safe and operate as they should. If you are not trained to do this then the meter will not function correctly.

How to Stay Healthy as a Vegan

The question on the topic of how to stay healthy as a vegan is a common one. The reality is that, for the most part, it is not as difficult as it may sound. All you need to do is learn a few simple guidelines that will make you a healthier, happier person in general. Of course, the biggest part is eating right and exercising regularly. But eating a well-balanced, natural vegan diet will help you not only get plenty of protein and other nutrients but will also allow you to enjoy eating without worrying about any type of bad effects. If you really want to be healthy as a vegan, you should definitely give this a shot.

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If you have been eating vegan for any length of time, you may have some questions on how to stay healthy as a vegan. First, ask yourself: what are some of the best foods that I can eat? You will need to make sure that you include many different types of proteins such as nuts, soy, and hemp milk. Protein is great for building muscle as well as helping to keep you energized and strong. Other great foods include nuts, avocados, and nuts that contain soy products. Find out more about gelatinized maca powder as a supplement at https://www.vivolife.com/blogs/news/a-big-maca-mistake-gelatinzed-vs-raw-maca-powder

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In addition to eating well on a vegan diet, you will also need to drink water to stay hydrated. This is especially important for those people who have low blood pressure or diabetes. Water helps to flush out the toxins from your body and help to prevent the onset of any type of disease. Water also has great benefits for your skin. It removes impurities from your blood, which can result in dry skin.

Making the Most of Your Garage Space

Although the garage is just as much a part of out home as any other room, many of us tend to forget about it – it can become piled up with junk in a way that we wouldn’t allow other rooms in our home to be.


When the space in a garage is used well, it is an extremely useful area in your home – depending on your lifestyle and your needs there are a wide range of ways that you can make your garage work better for you.

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The first thing that you need to do is to make sure that there is nothing taking up space in the garage that shouldn’t be. Have a clear out and be ruthless – don’t keep hold of items that you no longer need. You can sell or donate to charity things that are in good condition that you don’t use any more.


Once you are left with just what you need, think about how you can make the most of the space you have in the garage. A specialist company such as Rackzone, a shelving Ireland based company will be able to help you with garage shelving and storage solutions to maximise how you are using the space.

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Using the wall space is great for storage, and this also includes bikes – wall mounted bike racks can save a lot of space in the garage, which means that you still have plenty of room for your car and tools to be stored too.

Some of Britain’s Most Famous Trees

The winter is a lovely time for a walk in the woods. Although it is typically a time of year when we want to huddle up inside, it is beneficial for our minds and bodies to get out amongst the soothing beauty of nature, and trees are one of the most relaxing things we can be close to.


So wrap up warm and snug in aran sweaters from shamrock gift and head out to the woods to be amongst the beautiful trees – here are some of the most famous trees in Britain and where to find them…


Go on the trail of Robin Hood and his merry men in Sherwood Forest, and you will find the tree named Major Oak. It is said to be the place that the famous resident of the forest hid with his gang – the tree is over 1000 years old so could probably tell you a few tales!

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Head to North Wales to see a tree that is at least four times older than the Major Oak – the Llangernyw Yew tree is in a graveyard in Conwy. It has been there since the Bronze age, and local legend has it that it is home to a spirit known as Angelystor – the recording angel.

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One of the most famous events to happen in the history of science is the apple falling from the tree onto Isaac Newtons head, which led to him discovering gravity! The tree that the apple fell from still standing, in Woolsthorpe Manor in Lincolnshire, and has been visited throughout history by people keen to see the famous tree that changed the world of science.

Things to Look Forward to this Christmas

It’s getting chillier and coming up to Christmas quickly. Although this year will be a little bit unusual, due to the Covid regulations and restrictions being in place, there are lots of things that we can do to make this Christmas as normal as possible.

Christmas shopping – Giving gifts at Christmas is one of the best things about the festive season. Seeing the joy on someone’s face when they open it is a real joy – whether you are buying mens Farah Oxford shirts from EJ Menswear for the stylish man in your life, the latest toy of the season for the kids or gardening gifts for dad.

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Decorating the Home – Making your home feel Christmassy is so exciting, and this year, we all need as much festive joy as possible! Decorate your tree and put lights up around the windows and outside your home, to spread a bit of festive cheer to all the people who walk past your house.

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A Winter Walk – This is one of the best things you can do to boost your mood, and it is great for both your physical health and your mental health. There are loads of lovely walking places to visit in the UK during the winter months. The forests are silent in the snowy landscape, and the fields shine white in the winter frost.

What is the Anodizing Process?

An electrochemical process which is carried out to change ordinary metals into decorative, corrosion-free, and durable with anodic oxide finish is known as anodizing process.

You can use magnesium and titanium for this procedure but aluminium is considered an ideal metal for anodizing. The aluminium oxide is not put onto the surface as with plating or paint, however, is completely incorporated with the fundamental aluminium surface, so it can’t chip or strip.

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The procedure of anodizing:

In the process, aluminium is immersed into an acid electrolyte bath through which the current is passed. The cathode is separately mounted in the tank and aluminium itself works as the anode. So oxygen particles are delivered from the electrolyte to join with the aluminium iotas at the outside of the metal part being anodized. Anodizing is, in this manner, a matter of profoundly controlled oxidation applied on metal surface. For more information on Anodising, visit a site like https://www.poeton.co.uk/treatments/

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Anodized aluminium:

Aluminium is very useful and widely used metal among all the metals due to its anodizing features. Anodized aluminium is being used in hundreds and thousands of households and commercial items. Even it has applications in spaceships to make them stronger. It can protect the spaceships from extremes conditions in space. It provides an attractive look and long life for all products.

Poeton is a well-renowned company for its services in this regard. They have adopted this field and therefore enjoying fame around the world.

ExpoWELDING – najważniejsze wydarzenie w roku dla branży spawalniczej

Pod nazwą ExpoWELDING kryje się jedno z najważniejszych i jednocześnie najbardziej uznanych wydarzeń branżowych w Polsce i w Europie.  Mowa o międzynarodowych targach spawalniczych.

Tradycyjnym miejscem, w którym od 12 lat organizuje się ten branżowy event, jest nowoczesny obiekt wystawienniczy Expo Silesia w Sosnowcu. Podczas targów specjaliści spawalnictwa mają możliwość zapoznania się z najnowszą ofertą urządzeń i sprzętu niezbędnych do wykonywania procesów spawalniczych dla potrzeb przemysłu.


Ostanie Międzynarodowe Targi Spawalnicze ExpoWELDING odbyły się w dniach od 13 do 15 października 2020 roku i patronowała im Sieć Badawcza ŁUKASIEWICZ – Instytut Spawalnictwa z Gliwic.

Tegoroczna wystawa została wzbogacona o cztery specjalistyczne strefy:

  • Strefa Technologii Cięcia – CUTTINGshow – dedykowana dla branży technologii cięcia. Do współpracy zostali zaproszeni producenci i dystrybutorzy maszyn do cięcia plazmą, laserem lub wodą oraz firmy usługowe, serwisowe i kooperujące. Celem utworzenia tej strefy była organizacja takiego eventu technicznego, w którym to cięcie będzie elementem najważniejszym.

Tematyka strefy CUTTINGshow obejmowała:

  • technologie cięcia: plazmą, laserem, mechaniczne, wodą,
  • maszyny i urządzenia: wycinarki laserowe, przecinarki plazmowe, prasa krawędziowa, nożyce gilotynowe, maszyny do cięcia strumieniem wody
  • usługi cięcia: stali, blach, rur, gumy, tworzyw sztucznych, kamienia, betonu, ceramiki, szkła, drewna
  • automatyzacja i robotyzacja procesu cięcia
  • urządzenia pomiarowe i kontrolne
  • urządzenia peryferyjne
  • serwis, części zamienne
  • oprogramowania, aplikacje
  • usługi szkoleniowe, bankowe, ubezpieczeniowe, audytorskie, certyfikacyjne
  • wydawnictwa specjalistyczne
  • Strefa Bezpieczeństwa i Higieny Pracy – BHPexpo – przeznaczona dla producentów i dystrybutorów sprzętu z zakresu bezpieczeństwa i higieny pracy w zakładach przemysłowych. Jej celem było przedstawienie oferty akcesoriów ułatwiających pracę w warunkach niebezpiecznych i szkodliwych, a także zaprezentowanie urządzeń, technologii i systemów pożarniczych oraz ochrony przeciwpożarowej, aparatury kontrolno-pomiarowej i systemów alarmowych, sprzętu i urządzeń ratowniczych. Oferta ta powinna była szczególnie zainteresować przedstawicieli zakładów przemysłowych ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem przemysłu ciężkiego, motoryzacyjnego, budowlanego, konstrukcji stalowych, off-shore.

Tematyka Strefy BHPexpo obejmowała:

  • Środki ochrony indywidualnej
  • Bezpieczeństwo i higiena pracy w zakładach przemysłowych
  • Akcesoria ułatwiające pracę w warunkach niebezpiecznych i szkodliwych
  • Urządzenia, technologia i systemy pożarnicze oraz ochrona przeciwpożarowa
  • Aparatura kontrolno-pomiarowa i systemy alarmowe
  • Sprzęt i urządzenia ratownicze
  • Szkolenia dla branży przemysłowej
  • Organizacje, instytucje i wydawnictwa branżowe



  • Strefa Robotyzacji i Automatyzacji – ROBOTshow – platforma ta została przygotowana dla przedstawicieli branży robotyki. Oferta koncentrowała się na robotach przemysłowych i manipulatorach, automatyzacji procesów przemysłowych, systemach sterowania i nadzoru oraz diagnostyce w układach sterowania.

Tematyka strefy ROBOTshow obejmowała:

  • roboty przemysłowe;
  • manipulatory przemysłowe;
  • automatyzacja i robotyzacja produkcji
  • dostawcy robotów oraz kompletnych stanowisk i linii zrobotyzowanych
  • badania i rozwój R&D
  • aplikacje zrobotyzowane
  • usługi serwisowe
  • osprzęt, akcesoria dodatkowe, oprogramowanie
  • instytucje branżowe
  • media

Warto zaznaczyć, iż strefa ta zawsze cieszy się dużym zainteresowaniem. Liczba zwiedzających to około 4800 ludzi, 180 wystawców oraz 260 reprezentowanych marek (dane z 2018 roku).


  • Strefa Badań Nieniszczących – NDTexpo – celem tej strefy było utworzenie wydarzenia, w ramach którego osoby odpowiedzialne za procesy spawalnicze w branży przemysłowej będą miały możliwość zapoznania się nie tylko z najnowszymi urządzeniami i technologiami spawalniczymi, lecz także aktualną ofertą sprzętu i usług z zakresu badań nieniszczących.  Badania nieniszczące to tematyka, która szczególnie zainteresowała producentów oraz dystrybutorów przyrządów i urządzeń pomiarowych, firmy świadczące usługi z zakresu badań nieniszczących, jak np. Poeton Polska, dystrybutorów chemii specjalistycznej oraz oprogramowania komputerowego.

Tematyka strefy NDTexpo obejmowała:

  • Przyrządy, urządzenia i aparatura pomiarów
  • Akcesoria i osprzęt do urządzeń pomiarowych
  • Usługi badania materiału
  • Oprogramowanie komputerowe
  • Środki chemiczne
  • Systemy analizy oraz przetwarzania obrazu
  • Prasa specjalistyczna

The Fantastic Oak Tree

Oak is not only a fantastic building material –  used for ships of the past, to flooring, furniture and oak truss it is also an astounding tree. One of the most enduring symbols of the British countryside, the oak tree is much loved and enjoyed by many who like to get out and about in the great outdoors.

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Not only do oak trees themselves have an enormously long lifespan – they continue to grow for around 700 years and then they live until roughly 1000 years old – but they are also survivors. Oak trees have been on the planet for millions of years and survived the extinction events that saw many other plants and animals wiped out. Oak trees have survived the extinction event that killed the dinosaurs and the ice age.


Part of the reason that oak trees can endure such catastrophic conditions is that their seeds – the acorns – are well protected. As well as being encased inside a hard shell, they also are covered in a substance called tannic acid, which can protect them from parasites such as fungi and insects.

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Oak trees have survived many things, but sadly in many parts of the world they are in decline, due to land being cleared to grow crops or to graze cattle. It is important that we protect these beautiful trees as there are many species of oak now at risk of extinction – and for a species of tree that has survived millions of years, it would be a sad way to end.

Using LED lights in your home

Once upon a time the light bulb with it’s coil and controlled electrical current was pretty much all you could get for the home in terms of lighting. You could have a degree of watts from 40 to 100 depending on the room size and have them clear or frosted to create mood. If you were feeling really fancy you could get some ones that were red or orange. Alternatively you could just paint them and hope the colour didn’t peel off with the heat it generated. They were great at giving off light but they could blow at the most inopportune moments and they were very energy hungry, especially the higher wattage options. Lights being left on in a bedroom that wasn’t being used was a surefire way to get Dad’s moaning about the bill they were going to get for it.

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However, with the digital age we now have the LED. This stands for light emitting diode and it has gone from being the light in your computer to tell you the drive is working or that the car alarm is activated. Technology has improved these little bulbs so much that they can now give out significant amounts of light, especially when they are focused into a cluster. Not only that they can also change colour to reflect mood and create ambience.

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They still generate heat as any bulb does and if you have ones fitted directly into the ceiling this heat can escape and create a draught. However, with the addition of some Downlight Covers that heat can be directed back into the room. The Downlight Covers also stop any draughts that may have been created. A greener option all round.

How McDonalds Took Over the World with Marketing

Marketing is an important part of running a successful business. Many businesses have done very well because they have got great marketing strategies. For this reason, companies know that marketing needs to be done well, and many will get a brand design agency such as Really Helpful Marketing to help them with this.


One of the companies that have done a great job with their marketing and branding is McDonalds – from a burger restaurant similar to many others in the United States at the time, McDonalds has gone on to become a huge international success story – here are some of the ways that they achieved that…

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Wherever you are in the world, when you see those golden arches you know what you are going to get. People trust brands and familiarity, and this is clearly a successful strategy for McDonalds. They do have some regional variations that cater to local tastes, but by going into a McDonalds wherever you are in the world, you know what you are getting.


Promotions – McDonalds are great at running promotions that have customers coming back again and again. The Monopoly promotion meant that customers could collect sets of the Monopoly streets to win prizes, which meant people would return again and again to try to increase their chance of winning.

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Move with the Times – As consumers have gained more awareness of healthy lifestyles and food choices, McDonalds recognised this. By introducing nutritional information to their menus and adding a range of healthy options they showed that they can move with the times and respond to customer needs.