12 Ideas to use Twitter Lists

Many people do not take advantage of the use of the lists on Twitter, in some cases because they do not know them and in others because they do not find a specific use. Let me give you some ideas on how to use them.

The process to create them is very simple, in your Twitter profile you go to “Lists” and from there to “Create Lists” you must put a name and a description, you can also choose to make your list “public” (everyone can see it and follow it) or you can make it “private” (nobody can see it or follow it). Try to make public lists with clear and understandable names.

The mechanics of the Public Lists is that if I follow you I can see what lists you have on your profile and if any one catches my attention I can “subscribe” to it and follow the tweets of the members of the list, I do not have to follow the members, with continuing to the list I can see their publications.

If the List is Private nobody can see it. Having said that, we go with the ideas of how to use them to take advantage of them and optimize time and strategy.

  • Organize your Time Line (TL). When you start to follow a greater number of people it becomes a bit difficult to read them all, the lists is an ideal way to order the people you follow and place them according to what they publish, so you can go to them to read the topics that most They interest you at that time. You can also open lists to include new profiles in them to evaluate whether you want to follow them or not.
  • Create Thematic Lists . Organize lists according to your interests, not every day we want to read the same, you can make a list of news, humor, close friends, specialists, etc. What will make it easier for you to find the conversations you need or want to read at any time.
  • Users recommend . You can create lists of the users that you want to recommend to your community and make it easier for them to follow them by creating a list with all of them.
  • Increase your influence . Creating lists so that others (clients or prospects) can follow them is an excellent way to increase your influence on Twitter, the fact that other people follow your lists increases your influence. Make attractive lists for your market and invite them to follow them.
  • Monitor customers . It works very well for me to make lists of my clients, I make them private. I can monitor what they publish, how they interact, their influence, etc. I keep them in mind all the time and I do not lose any detail of what they do.
  • List of employees . In many companies it also works to have lists of employees or departments to monitor their publications or simply to further strengthen internal communication.
  • GeoListas . You can create lists by the location of the people you follow. I have a list of people who are located in my city for example. You can make lists of people by countries, cities or even colonies if that is what your strategy requires.
  • Lists of Specific Markets . A way to follow the publications or actions of specific markets, for example I have one of companies, another of marketing blogs, other of young marketers, etc. The idea is that you can follow the information they publish, their styles, their contents, etc. in an organized way. And that you can interact with them more easily. They do not escape in your TL.
  • Competition List . You can follow what your competition does and monitor their strategies.
  • List of Your Influencers . People with whom you have connected and who help you amplify your messages on the network. I recommend that you have them very well present so that you do not neglect your work with them.
  • List of real people . It is also good to have a list of the people with whom you have already generated a friendly, constant and reciprocal connection. People that you may know in person or what you would like to do in the future.
  • User analysis . This list I make private and in it I place the accounts that interest me for various reasons, they must be few so that you can really analyze their actions, connection with their audience and contents. It can be used to know if you want to follow these people or not, or to analyze their strategy, or simply to know what they are talking about.

The general idea of ​​the lists on twitter is finally to organize your reading work and connection with your followers.
They are also a useful tool to easily offer your followers themes, content or specialists to follow without them having to be looking for them.

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