Basics: Keys to positioning a page on Facebook

Brands and companies in addition to giving more and more importance to their online presence through their websites, are increasingly placing more emphasis on their Facebook pages. This, well done, is always beneficial for the customer / user who gets a more direct contact with the brand, more closeness and a direct channel.

Why it is important to know those aspects that can help us to  improve the positioning of our facebook page : to get our brand or business to appear in the top results of search engine facebook. Here are some essential tips to help you achieve this:

Basics Keys to positioning a page on FacebookThe name of your Facebook page

Is your brand known? Or are you getting started If your brand is known, make sure it contains the name of your brand or company: this is how you are already known …

On the contrary, if you are starting, value adding a keyword in the name that makes it easier for you to find

Custom url

Once you have chosen the name of your facebook page it is very important that you personalize the url. The name of your Facebook page and the custom URL are very important: Search engines read these titles with the label “Heading 1”, which means that they are very well qualified by the search engines.

Page Description

Make a description of the page that tells your users who you are. Although you can enter more, in the short description field you will see 75: use to make a description including your web page, the services you offer by mentioning the keywords, but of course in a natural way. There are other pages that prefer to include contact information here like phone etc.

Facebook page information

The information page is another opportunity to include keywords and important links. Depending on the type of page, the fields that can be completed on the Information page may vary.

TIP: If there is a field that simply does not respond to your company, leave it blank. Information from page fields without content will not be displayed to your fans, so do not worry about leaving the irrelevant fields empty.

Of course, the more complete your information page, the better. For all relevant fields, complete them with your keywords in mind.

It also includes links and profiles outside Facebook, as well as any page especially important, such as:

  • website
  • Blog
  • The direct link to view your product or service pages on your website
  • A link to your contact page
  • Twitter profile
  • LinkedIn profile, etc.

Find the right balance so that your information page can add value to both your fans and SEO alike.

Get links from multiple sources

As in the case of traditional SEO, get links to your Facebook page: Links are like recommendations. If a friend recommends you eat at a certain restaurant, what do you consider a good choice ?. If more friends make that recommendation, it will convince you.

Avoid Facebook cheating content

If you want to use your Facebook page to drive traffic to your website or blog, do not fall into the trap of putting full content solely on Facebook.

It’s better to have a link from Facebook to the content source, so your fans will be closer to your website (blog links on our website, for example), and therefore a step closer to becoming customers. This also helps build links to your website and get visitors .. and thus get better positioning for your website! .

Get more fans

Every time someone likes your page, it is a link more than you win. More fans means more links and that means more SEO.

Can you think of other important factors to position your facebook fan page?

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