Practical tips to generate profitable leads

In a company committed to online business, lead generation is a very important activity and can have a enrobe impact on the income statement depending on how you perform. First we must determine what the objective pursued, usually one of these 3:

– Lead generation for direct sales (usually contacts with propensity to buy).

– Lead generation for critical mass intended to send newsletters and other communications.

– Generation of leads to “re-selling” used by comparators or sectored pages with high traffic volume.

Practical tips to generate profitable leadsThe two paths to generate leads

There are two distinct forms, which grouped various practical techniques for generating leads:

1- Organic or Inbound Marketing Techniques: are those in which any buying leads do not occur. Here is the biggest investment in time and it is not easy at first create a steady “trickle” of new contacts. The techniques used are:

– Social networks to drive traffic to a registration page.

– Generation of content on a blog or content download as an eBook or white-paper.

– Content positioned on Google (SEO).

Outbound 2- or PPC techniques: based lead generation by paying a stand with a lot of potential traffic. The most widely used mechanisms are:

– Advertising on Google: in search formats, display or Remarketing.

– Emailing large databases.

– Advertising in social networks: Facebook ads, LinkedIn ads…

The mission of many marketers is the combination of all these techniques to create lead generation that are profitable to the enterprise ecosystem.

Tips for generating leads profitably

Having regard to possible ways in order to generate leads, I advise you to consider the following “tips”:

1- Make a document worth downloading: and can be an eBook, white-paper or similar. If you do a good market research to find out what really interests your potential customers you can give away in exchange for subscribing to your blog for example. This mechanism is very effective if the document worth.

2- Provide special conditions of purchase: Another similar option is to offer commercial advantages if the user decides to register to the page. When there is an incentive of this kind is a good time to ask for more data that may be relevant (phone, city, age …).

3- To test A / B lading pages and CTA’s: landing pages should be visually attractive and provide only the information that is strictly necessary. The wording of these texts is also important to make it persuasive. The CTA’s or calls to action, even if they have little impact, may increase the conversion rate of a campaign. All these tests help you get validated information and go slowly tuning.

4- Add testimonials from satisfied customers: we have all ever thought that these testimonies can be prepared but the visual effect on creativity remains positive. So, why not use it when it is simple to implement?

5- Organize a webinar: It is a good idea as long as:

– If you choose a topic that is of interest.

– If you have access to a mass of like-minded users (if not, it’s a good excuse for an advertising campaign on social networks for example.

All these leads should be treated as what they are, people interested in your product or service. They are an important source of potential revenue, therefore you do manage these leads can mark the “evolution” of your company.

What is for you the most valuable advice to cost-effectively generate leads?

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