When you start with a blog, and with the difficult challenge of gaining visibility, if you look at the readers you will go through the following phases:
– Attracting early readers: the great majority family and friends.
– You discover the first readers outside your social circles.
– Readers become followers visiting your blog continuously.
– The followers begin to form a community around your content.
This last step is probably the most complicated because it requires interaction and “engagement” by users. This is where the blogger must open the doors of his blog so that anyone who visits feels at home and express themselves freely, yes, respecting other readers.
Best tricks to connect with your readers
To accomplish this difficult mission, you can consider this tips that can help you create a community of loyal readers to the content of your blog:
1- Conclusion and asks when you’re running a post is very interesting that in the final paragraph go introducing some element of discussion around the theme chosen, to finish with a question that incites the user to participate with an answer and to start a series of comments. Those same readers will reenter the blog to see if your answer is continuity. That’s a very good sign.
2- Premier to unconditional: as there are always going to publish some followers who share your articles assiduously. In fact, for them until it becomes a habit. When you have located them reward them in some way. A direct message, retweet or blog have a friendly comment.
3- Fret resolve some doubts: your readers will ask you to related topics and content receipt is always compensate with a response that brings light to those doubts.
4- Programs free “training”: a strategy that works well is to give some information product to be delivered by chapters in the email user. These interactions followed over time help bring much personality blogger and loyalty much so that this reader does not miss the blog in question.
5- Video content: You can convey a lot through words but with video much body language and expression that will help connect more readers and learn a little more about the person behind all these items.
6- To offer more consumer choices of content: an option for example is audiotape items for those who do not want to read all content.
7- Educating the audience: when you become recognizable is easier to community. Some examples are:
– Always Post at the same time.
– Activate any other monthly or weekly section.
– Have a main topic.
All these points are intended to become followers and fans that can happen to a final stage which is to prescribers.
What are the best stocks for you to connect with the audience of a blog?