59% of luxury product buyers claim to have used their mobiles to interact with companies, ForeSee reports in a new study just released. According to the study, these data show that buyers of luxury brands are 40% more willing to use their mobile phone to interact with their brand (59% versus 42%) than buyers of the 100 largest e-commerce stores.
Among those who have used their device, a quarter of luxury customers claimed to have made a purchase, compared with 16% of customers in the 100 e-commerce stores. Customers of luxury goods are also more likely to search their devices (56% vs. 40%), compare product prices when they are in stores (24% versus 18%), and use the developed mobile shopping applications By brands (13% versus 10%).
Of those who used their mobile while in the stores, 65% of buyers of luxury brands accessed the websites of those same stores, while 39% visited the websites of the competition, and 24% one Web comparative.
ForeSee has also measured customer satisfaction with the websites of 13 luxury stores, achieving a global satisfaction rating of 77 points, one below the 78 achieved by the top 100 electronics.
The study notes that the satisfaction index has a significant effect on brand loyalty. Compared with dissatisfied customers, very satisfied visitors of the web of luxury products show the following percentages:
- 76% are more willing to buy online from that brand;
- 71% to re-buy products of that brand;
- 69% recommend this brand;
- 69% to buy from that brand also offlne;
- 65% more committed to that brand as a whole;
- And finally, 65% more willing to go back to that brand.
An unsatisfied customer scores an average of 40% less on each of the above items.
The ForeSee Luxury E-Retail Index study was conducted in November and December 2012, based on responses from more than 3,500 visitors to luxury brand websites.