There are many questions regarding who is responsible for the electricity meter box that keeps track of your electricity consumption and charges you your electricity bills. The answer to this question is that this unit is not owned by the electric company but is the responsibility of the owner of the property. It is very important that the owner of this unit knows how to look after and operate it properly. Your energy supplier does not charge you for the power meter box and the meter itself; it charges you for the energy you use as measured through the meter. Should you require a new Electric Meter box, visit a site like Meterbox
The next question regarding who is responsible for my electricity meter box is regarding maintenance. You must maintain the box as it covers important equipment and is the owner’s responsibility. It is very important to have someone look over the meter and see how well it is working. If there are any mistakes made, then these will be corrected before you can apply for an extension of the billing period.
The last question regarding who is responsible for my electricity meter box is regarding safety. There are a number of devices on the meter box, which you are responsible for maintaining in order to ensure that they are safe and operate as they should. If you are not trained to do this then the meter will not function correctly.