The marketing revolution: The semantic web

The idea that a digital service (search) alters the way we behave normally might seem absurd. Before the semantic searches were to Google (and all other search engines); they were busy indexing websites and struggling to sort through the relevant information so that they could emerge, spam-free, high-quality results response to a search query.

The connection was vertical, joining the website in the search engine that then allowed the first to use the latter to expand its market presence and a traditional style of one too many. This proposal lacked attributes such as reliability, quality and authenticity, only human concepts that had little space in a world of sales targets, brand values and machine code.

However, semantic search changes all that. Because the search now requires a detailed and exhaustive mapping of horizontal relationships in order to understand the true value of the vertical, they are accomplished two important effects:

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At first, all the threads are broken and you cannot hope to effectively market through its website, for example, without your website is related to your business and that the company is associated with real people. This is the first degree of transparency than in the past was not even on the table, as required.

In the second place, your social footprint is key to the emergence of information relevant to your business in search queries. The results suggested by the search, connections of your friends or your activity on Google personalized search and increase the likelihood that your website and its contents emerge in those consultations which may be related but not directly optimize think.

This second aspect of the search is on for accurate mapping and especially online relationships: your network of friends, your professional network, activity and content search each, the activity of your friends in each, their (the list goes on …) professional connections. What your grandmother told you about “Tell me who your friends are and I’ll tell you who you are” is now truer than ever.

The conclusion of this approach is the transformation of marketing, ceasing to be a process that looks at people as consumer units to be provided with the right stimulus to meet the demands of the message, to accommodate people in need actual values, aspirations and dreams. This humanization of marketing (and the people who carry it out) is at least, revolutionary. Those who “understand” this revolution be able to adapt, evolve. Those who do not will serve for some interesting case studies in the coming years.

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