With winter now here you might be wondering if there are any tasks that you can do in your garden to help get it tidy and ready for the Spring. Although it can be a little cold and sometimes wet and windy, the autumn and winter months are the perfect opportunity for a little garden maintenance. If you have recently moved into Gloucestershire Park Homes like those offered by http://www.parkhomelife.com/our-parks/orchard-park-homes-gloucester-gloucestershire you might be thinking of ways to get your garden planned for the glorious summer weather.
Here are some of the maintenance tasks that you can get underway.
Greenhouse – if you have a greenhouse and have used shade paint on the windows to prevent the warm summer sun from scorching your fruits and vegetables, now is the perfect time for you to remove this. By having the windows fully visible you can allow the heat to naturally heat the space inside for you over the winter months. This is especially important if you have vegetables growing over this period and you are using greenhouse heaters to keep the internal environment warm.
Cleaning – this is also the perfect opportunity to give your greenhouse and your shed a good clear out. Get rid of any unwanted pots and take the time to repair any garden equipment that needs a bit of TLC. This means that when you come to planting in the spring you will have all the items you need close to hand and organised so you can focus on adding beautiful plants to your garden.
Borders – take a look at your planting borders and give them a good tidy. This will often mean raking up any leaves that have fallen from the trees and shrubs that you have in your garden as well as any other debris that may have blown in with the wind. Perennial plants will often need to be cut back and you might want to save any seed heads so you can grow more plants in the spring. This is a great, cost-effective way to add more plants to your garden each year, by making the most of the seeds that your existing plants create.
Compost bin – with all the dead leaves and plant cuttings that you have, now is a great time to empty your compost bin and place all of the broken down compost onto your garden. This will then make way for new compost and all the items that you collect from your winter garden clearout. Make sure that you take the compost from the bottom as this will be the matter that has been decomposing for the longest and will have the best nutritional value for your garden.