How to organise the best corporate day

Most employees will groan if you mention the phrase “corporate away day”. Team-bonding activities have a bad reputation as awkward, cringeworthy events that force employees to step out of their comfort zones and do things that make them feel silly. Team activities are often overlooked. These activities allow for deeper sharing, new experiences where strengths may be revealed and a feeling of camaraderie between colleagues. These tips will help you plan a team outing that your employees won’t dread:

Understanding your goal

It’s difficult to know what to do without knowing your goals. Do you wish to improve your relationships? Are you looking to bring out potential through challenging events? Does your team deserve a relaxing break? This will guide you in the correct direction.

Time well spent

It’s not necessary to limit yourself to just one day. Consider a weekend event if you believe your staff will benefit from more time to relax and reconnect outside of work. You want to create a programme that will engage colleagues and get them working together better.

Take a break from work

Organise a fun event away from the office. You’ll notice a new energy in your staff if you organise an event that takes place away from work. You could see a boost in productivity at the office if you give them a memorable experience. For Corporate Team Building, visit

Seek feedback

You need to know how your colleagues feel about the experience. You can’t know whether it was successful or not without asking. Do not be afraid to ask them what they think. Did they enjoy themselves? Would they change anything and would they do it differently next time? Feedback is vital to improving the next team event.

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