All posts by kThwlsU

What Happens During the Recruitment Process?

Hiring is a strategic, complex process that requires an effective team. While hiring is about more than just publishing job ads, screening CVs and providing a shortlist of candidates, at its core it’s an organisational function that determines the strength and health of a company.


A recruiter spearheads the recruitment planning and overall process and maintains the lion’s share of communication with applicants throughout the interview and assessment stages. A good recruiter will use an efficient, well-organised system to streamline the entire recruitment process, from ad creation to candidate sourcing and evaluation. For information on a procurement recruitment agency, go to Talent Drive, a leading procurement recruitment agency.

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HR & Office Manager

The rest of the recruitment team is composed of various people depending on the company size and industry. There might be one dedicated Recruiter, or a larger HR team (HR Generalists and/or Head of Talent). HR professionals are responsible for the administrative aspects of recruiting – putting in requisitions, interviewing, disqualifying and/or moving candidates through the pipeline, sending assessments and ultimately making a decision on new hires. They will also work with the recruiter to help coordinate the recruitment process with other teams within the organisation, especially the Office and Finance managers.

Employee Referrals

Having an internal referral programme can be very effective and reduce the time it takes to find a quality candidate. However, it should be an added tool in your recruitment arsenal – not your only source of quality talent. Additionally, if you rely solely on employee referrals, you can risk building homogenous teams, as candidates are often connected to others who have similar backgrounds and career paths.

Job Boards

There are a number of job boards that can be useful for finding qualified candidates, such as LinkedIn, Indeed, and Glassdoor. When submitting jobs on these platforms, it’s important to include clear job descriptions and specific requirements to make sure you’re getting the right kind of candidates.

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Past Applicants

Keeping track of applicants who were rejected at an earlier stage in the recruitment process can be very resourceful. The best way to do this is by offering constructive feedback and providing a positive candidate experience.

Keeping track of the input versus output of your team will let you know when there is a hiring need. When an existing employee hands in their notice, or you are not able to meet a project deadline with the current headcount, it’s time to start thinking about new hires. Moreover, it’s good to keep up with the performance of your existing team and note any gaps that need to be filled.

Four Reasons Why a Marketing Strategy is Essential for the Success of your Business

When you run a business, one of the most important ways to grow and become successful is to have a marketing strategy. Getting the help of marketing strategy consultants can help you to grow and increase the chances of your business success.

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Here are four big reasons why marketing is such an important part of a successful business…

Reaching your Target Audience Directly – When you are selling anything, whether it is a certain product or more of a service, you need to make sure that you are reaching the people who are most likely to be interested. For example, if you are providing dog walking services, you are not going to want to spend time and effort reaching out to people who don’t own any pets!

This is why it is not only essential to do plenty of market research so that you can understand your target audience and their habits, but it is also important to be able to reach them effectively.

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Becoming Credible and Trusted – When you do marketing well, you will be more well known. Building up a following on social media, having a website and getting out and about getting your name out there are all things that you can do to improve the credibility of your business and build up that relationship between you and your target audience, as well as other businesses and organisations.

Staying Relevant – When you have a marketing strategy, it helps you to stay relevant. Focussing on market trends and what is going on in your industry can help you to make better decisions when it comes to your business and how you operate, as well as ensuring that you are doing the right things to improve your business and your marketing.

Spending Money on the Right Things – Nobody wants to waste money, and when you are running a business, every penny counts. Having a marketing strategy means that you are less likely to be throwing good money after bad, and therefore you will not be losing money. This means that your business will be more successful and helps you to keep an eye on the finances.

When was the birth of modern accounting?

While it may not seem like the most scintillating of subjects, modern accounting is something that plays an extremely important role in all of our lives.  As we have become increasingly corporate in our society, the balancing of books to show that investments and social projects are able to pay their way has become an important factor.  The beginnings of modern accounting start at the end of the 19th century and the start of the 20th.  certain events laid The foundations for the modern world of accounting that we have today. Bookkeepers Southend on sea or anywhere else for that matter, owe much to these pioneering times.

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The first major building block of modern accounting stems from the Industrial Revolution.  As the huge profits generated by the production of coal, steel, cotton and mass produced products began their had to be a way of illustrating how and where money was being spent and earned.  In this way huge corporations also grew to maintain control of these resources.

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Governments soon realised that there needed to be a level of control exerted upon these large operations so they demanded that businesses properly account their credits and debits based on the system developed by Luca Pacioli.  Proper accounting bodies, that were professional, started to spring up.  These bodies ensured that all of the  financial operations that large corporations engaged in were cost and accounted for.  Within this was the work of the bookkeepers tirelessly documenting everything.

How did Labour Rise to Power in 1997?

For over a decade, New Labour were in control of the UK -the later 90s and into the new millennium saw Labour rise from relative political obscurity to win the election with a landslide victory. After so many years under Tory party rule, Britain was about to be changed. To discover how this came about, you have to go back to the 1980s…

The 1983 labour party suffered a huge defeat to Margaret Thatcher’s Conservative Government. In Britain at the time, the 70s were a recent memory and the strikes and economic issues of the time were certainly not something that had been forgotten. It was in this year that the future two Labour Prime ministers joined the party as MPs – Tony Blair and Gordon Brown.

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Neil Kinnock then became leader, and among other changes, he adapted the new logo of the red rose and hired Peter Mandelson to take charge of the election campaign. Despite the defeat of Labour once again in the 1987 election, Peter Mandelson had spotted potential in Blair and Brown.

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Through the early nineties, the Labour party sought to change its old image, particularly that of being the party that would raise taxes in order to appeal to the voters. Once Blair won the leadership campaign, he then also had the assistance of Alastair Campbell who at the time was a journalist working for the Daily Mirror.

With all of these changes in place and with the public increasingly dissatisfied with the Tory government, Labour won the 1997 election with a huge majority.

Things to think about when purchasing a Refurbished Laptop

A new laptop is an expensive investment and not everyone can afford one. However, a refurbished device could well be a consideration for those on a budget. Nevertheless, there are risks involved in doing so as many private sellers don’t offer warranties. However, buyers can mitigate those risks by using online professional computer sales companies. Buying a device through these sites also allows buyers to make secure payments and offers protections if the device doesn’t work as advertised with warranties. Continue reading Things to think about when purchasing a Refurbished Laptop

Tips For Successful House Hunting

The home-buying process can be exciting, nerve-wracking and, at times, frustrating. To minimise the stress and confusion, it’s important to be prepared for the journey ahead with a game plan that includes strategies designed to help you achieve your house-hunting goals. Read on for pro tips for successful house hunting:

Creating a realistic budget is one of the most important steps you can take to ensure your home-hunting experience goes smoothly. A good estate agent will help you establish your ideal price range, while a loan originator will walk you through your mortgage options and explain how interest rates can impact your budget. For details on Stroud Estate Agents, visit

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Prioritise your needs and wants. It’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of the process and start dreaming of woodwork, granite countertops and spacious fenced-in gardens. Before you visit houses, make a list of the things that are essential to your purchase and the features that are nice to have. This will help you stay focused and avoid wasting time on properties that won’t meet your needs or match your budget.

One eye-catching listing or outrageously high asking price can stop you dead in your tracks. However, remember that most sellers end up lowering their price at some point during the negotiation process, and you can use comparable sales to validate an asking price before letting it derail your search.

Also, when viewing a property, pay attention to the structural aspects of the property and not just its cosmetic appeal. It’s easy to overlook small problems that can easily be fixed, such as worn carpet or outdated wallpaper. But it’s critical to focus on the big items, such as location, size and the overall quality of the property, as these are the elements that you can’t change once you move in.

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Remember, too, that the neighbourhood is just as important as the house itself. Be sure to explore the area thoroughly and visit nearby schools to learn more about the educational opportunities available. You’ll want to be sure the neighbourhood fits your lifestyle, whether that means a bustling business district or a quiet neighbourhood where children play and neighbours wave hello.

Finally, don’t forget to schedule a thorough home inspection before closing on the property. A home inspection is an invaluable tool that can save you from unexpected repair bills in the future. For the best results, work with a reputable and experienced home inspector. It’s well worth the investment!


Where is the Best Location For a TV Aerial?

The best location for a TV aerial is one that offers clear line-of-sight to a transmitter tower, with no obstructions. This may be the roof of your house or in a window. Antennas that must be aimed include directional antennas and these will get better results when they are pointed in the direction of the broadcast tower rather than away from it. Uni-directional antennas should work well regardless of their orientation.

To find the location of your nearest broadcast tower, the TV station’s website. Most stations will list their call letters and broadcast area, which should be helpful in identifying the location of the tower.

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It’s tougher to position indoor antennas, as they cannot be placed outside. Getting the best reception from an indoor antenna is sometimes a matter of trial and error, but it’s always worth trying to place it in the most effective location. When you need advice on TV aerial repair Bristol, visit Aerial Installations.

The number of obstacles between the antenna and the broadcast towers will also play a role in how well it performs. Thick walls, buildings and even trees will all degrade the digital signal, so fewer obstructions are better. It is also a good idea to try to keep the antenna away from magnetic metals such as radiators and burglar bars, although this is not always possible, depending on space available.

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Placing an antenna as high as possible is particularly true for amplified indoor antennas. As high as possible above ground level to get the most over-the-air channels, but this is not always practical depending on the height of your home. If you are struggling with reception, consider TV aerial repair Bristol.

Each time you move the antenna, be sure to run a scan in order to see how many and which channels are picked up. If you have a multidirectional antenna, try pointing it in different directions and then doing a channel scan to see which are the strongest.

Finally, it is a good idea to keep the antenna wires away from other cables such as those for internet or telephone lines. These can also degrade OTA signals. Running cables between a TV or DVR should be kept short as a longer cable might degrade the incoming signal. By following the above tips, you should be able to get a great reception for the TVs in your home.

Living safe and secure in your home in Swindon in Wiltshire.

When you purchase a new family home, you do so hoping that you will be safe, secure and happy, living there for many years to come.  Nobody envisages the horrors of being burgled or opportunist thieves stealing your work tools or children’s push bikes from your garage!  A professional company like who specialise in providing quality, Garage Doors Swindon could certainly help you improve on the security of your garage by installing a new, state-of-the-art, up and over door that also improves on the overall aesthetics of your home.

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With a population of over 230,000, Swindon is a popular place to live, work and raise a family, located just over seventy miles from the capital city of London, twenty-six miles southwest of Oxford and thirty-five miles, east-northeast of Bristol, the town lies directly on the M4 corridor which makes it great for commuting to the capital but unfortunately also makes it a viable target for opportunist thieves and hardened criminals. Having a new, strong, garage door installed and fitted by a professional company will certainly deter those criminals from trying to enter your home.

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By investing in some security lighting, cameras, sensors and a smart doorbell system, alongside your new garage door, you will keep the criminals at bay, making your Swindon home, definitely safer and considerably more secure and adding value to the sale price, should you ever decide to sell.