Web design and graphic design are different disciplines that use different techniques and approaches. Graphic designers use images and text to communicate information in print ads and marketing material. Web designers conceptualise and plan the visual and content elements of websites.
Web design, in general, is the organisation of visual components. Graphic design, on the other hand, involves the creation of elements. Both types of designers can be essential to businesses for creating content which makes visitors stay on their website.
What is graphic design?
Graphic design is an art form that combines visual and textual elements to create concepts. Visual content is used to communicate the story of a campaign or product. Graphic designers have to tell the story visually, whether it’s through company logos or billboards along the highway.
What is web design?
Web design is a practice that involves arranging and planning the content of a website to make it accessible and shareable by visitors. A successful web designer will guide visitors to the content that they want to see while arranging the page elements so that visitors are more likely to stay on the site rather than clicking away.
What are the differences between web and graphic design?
Both are vital to the user’s experience and audience’s relationship with brands. The skill sets needed for each design practice are different, though. For Website Design Surrey, visit www.akikodesign.com/design/web-and-digital
Web design and graphic design require different skills
Web and graphic design both require creativity, but in different ways. Web designers must be able to program and use the applications that help with web development. Web designers must be able to code, but graphic designers do not need this skill.