The habits of mobile users and consumers are completely changing traditional commerce and business

Marketing and mobile technology are experiencing an authentic revolution that directly affects traditional commerce and all types of businesses. The habits of users and consumers are changing in this process. Every day there are more connected people who use their Smartphones to compare prices, search for stores or products and even make recommendations about their experiences, and it is something that we can not ignore.

During the past year 2011 an exponential increase of mobile users was experienced, and the forecasts of this growth show that during this 2012 and the next years, technology and mobile marketing will acquire great prominence.

As can be seen in one of the infographics developed by Altimer Group, the data evidence and reveal this new reality. According to some of the data analyzed, 77% of the users of Smartphones use their phones while they shop and 58% of adults have a high probability of making a purchase through their Smartphones.

The mix of the different actions and applications of the use given to these devices by mobile users was evident during the last Christmas, where in the purchases of consumers, tablets and smartphones played an important role well when making research on products before and during the purchasing process, as well as when accessing all kinds of comments and experiences of other customers and consumers.

Faced with these new habits, not all retailers and merchants have been able to take advantage of the advantages that this can have for the new consumer trade. While many have obtained and are generating great benefits through innovative mobile marketing strategies, others are still in an initial phase or experimentation in this regard.

These new habits and trends among consumers require that both companies and sellers adapt to them as quickly as possible to not be competitive, more when consumers have in their possession a large amount of means by which to reach better prices or products at low cost. Quite simply, if the mobile strategy is not optimized, many businesses will turn into authentic ‘showrooms’ as opposed to more competitive ones that will actually be the ones making the sales.

It is the consumers themselves who seek, compare and are influenced by all kinds of external references to businesses that can ultimately be decisive in their purchasing decisions. Mobile devices are making consumers now much smarter and less impulsive. That is why businesses and merchants now more than ever must give special attention and importance to mobile users and consumers, really focusing on their real needs and using online strategies optimized for this type of device.

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